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Configuring Webservice Properties

All Starter Kit web services (i.e. core applications based on GA4GH API specifications) are configurable with a YAML config file. Part of the YAML config file includes a serverProps object, which modifies the behavior of high-level server application properties.

Configurable serverProps properties

A full explanation of configurable server properties is outlined below.

AttributeDescriptionData TypeDefault
schemeThe URL scheme/protocol by which the service can be accessed. (http or https). Allows http in dev/local deployments, but real-world deployments should use https. Used for constructing URLs that self-reference the running service.enum [http, https]http
hostnameThe URL domain name (including subdomain) that this service is running at. Used for constructing URLs that self-reference the running service.stringlocalhost
publicApiPortThe networking port that will be open to requests to the public API, that is, all API endpoints outlined in GA4GH specifications.integer4500
adminApiPortThe networking port that will be open to requests to the admin API, that is, API endpoints that are not outlined in GA4GH specs, but are required to create and edit data models. Traffic to the admin port should have stricter firewall rules compared to the public API port.integer4501
logLevelThe log severity level. The program will output log messages encountered at the specified log level or higher.enum [TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR]DEBUG
logFilePath to output file storing log output. If null, log output will be printed to console.string (file path)null
publicApiCorsAllowedOriginsCustomizes the Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) header Access-Control-Allow-Origin for requests made to any public API endpoint. Allows content returned from the API to be rendered only on trusted websites.array [URL]["http://localhost"]
publicApiCorsAllowedMethodsCustomizes the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Methods for requests made to any public API endpoint. Allows content returned from the API to be rendered only when a trusted HTTP method was used to request data.array [enum [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]][GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]
publicApiCorsAllowedHeadersCustomizes the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Headers for requests made to any public API endpoint. Allows API content to be rendered on a website only when trusted HTTP headers are sent to the server.array [string][]
adminApiCorsAllowedOriginsCustomizes the Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) header Access-Control-Allow-Origin for requests made to any admin API endpoint. Allows content returned from the API to be rendered only on trusted websites.array [URL]["http://localhost"]
adminApiCorsAllowedMethodsCustomizes the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Methods for requests made to any admin API endpoint. Allows content returned from the API to be rendered only when a trusted HTTP method was used to request data.array [enum [GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]][GET, POST, PUT, DELETE]
adminApiCorsAllowedHeadersCustomizes the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Headers for requests made to any admin API endpoint. Allows API content to be rendered on a website only when trusted HTTP headers are sent to the server.array [string][]
disableSpringLoggingIf true, does not output the default startup messages for Spring Boot web apps to console (i.e. Spring logo)booleanfalse

Example serverProps

The following snippet displays an example serverProps YAML configuration to configure the behavior of a starter kit service. A drs service is used in the example, but the serverProps object is equally applicable to any starter kit service.

scheme: https
publicApiPort: 80
adminApiPort: 7000
logLevel: INFO
logFile: apilog.txt
- *
- *
disableSpringLogging: true