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Configuring the UI

Current Starter Kit UI Release/Tag 0.2.1


Use DockerHub to pull the latest Starter Kit UI Docker image:

docker image pull ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-ui:0.2.1

Browse list of available tags


Default Configuration

Run with default Starter Kit UI service configuration properties

docker run -p 8989:8989 ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-ui:0.2.1

Note: 8989 is the UI server's default port

Custom Configuration

Run with custom Starter Kit UI configuration:

docker run \
-v ${HOST_CONFIG_DIR}:/config \
ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-ui:0.2.1 \
-c /config/${CONFIG_FILE}


  • CONTAINER_PORT: The port within the Docker container that the app will run on, which should correspond to the port property defined in the YAML config file
  • HOST_PORT: The mapped port on the host machine
  • HOST_CONFIG_DIR: The absolute file path to the directory containing the YAML configuration file
  • CONFIG_FILE: The name of the YAML configuration file mounted to the container


The Starter Kit UI app can be configured to load, render and manipulate data models from GA4GH Starter Kit Web Services that are running within a local network or over the web. All property configuration is done via a YAML config file that is supplied to the program at runtime via a -c ${CONFIG_FILE} command line option.

The config file MUST start with a single root object named starterKitUI. All sub-properties are nested under starterKitUI.

starterKitUI Properties:

NameDescriptionData TypeExample
portThe port that the app will run on.integer8989
servicesA list of running GA4GH Starter Kit services that the UI will reference and load data from.[serviceConfig] array

serviceConfig Properties:

NameDescriptionData TypeExample
serviceTypeThe canonical GA4GH API specification/type of the GA4GH Starter Kit service.enum [drs]drs
publicURLThe URL and port serving the service's public, read-only API.URL
adminURLThe URL and port serving the service's private, administrative API.URL

Configuration Example

The code below shows an example YAML configuration file that could be provided for the UI to connect to three Starter Kit DRS services.

port: 4000
- serviceType: 'drs'
publicURL: ''
adminURL: ''
- serviceType: 'drs'
publicURL: ''
adminURL: ''
- serviceType: 'drs'
publicURL: ''
adminURL: ''

Default Configuration

If a configuration file is not provided, the default configuration is used instead. In this case, the Starter Kit UI runs on port 8989 and a single DRS service is loaded using publicURL http://localhost:4500 and adminURL http://localhost:8080. i.e. the YAML equivalent of the default configuration would be:

port: 8989
- serviceType: 'drs'
publicURL: 'http://localhost:4500'
adminURL: 'http://localhost:8080'

Valid and Invalid Services

The GA4GH Starter Kit UI attempts to connect to each of the services defined in the configuration file. If the UI server is able to retrieve the service's Service Info (based on base URL and service type), then it is considered valid. If the request is unsuccessful and the service cannot be reached, it is considered invalid. Only valid services can be browsed via the UI. Ensure that the Starter Kit UI configuration file is correct and refer to the API documentation to ensure that the service is set up and running correctly.

UI Pages

Using a web browser, navigate to the URL and port where the Starter Kit UI is running. For example, if the UI service is deployed on your local machine and uses the default port, the URL will be http://localhost:8989.

/services - connected Starter Kit Services

Upon navigating to the Starter Kit UI in a web browser, the GA4GH Starter Kit landing page is displayed. Select Enter to navigate to the GA4GH Starter Kit homepage, then select Get Started to view the available GA4GH Starter Kit services, as shown below. Choose a valid service to view more information about the service and the data models that can be updated using the GA4GH Starter Kit.

Services Figure 1: Example /services page displaying three valid DRS services and two invalid DRS services. For each valid service, the "View" button navigates to that service's service-info, as well as forms for creating and modifying the GA4GH data models the service is responsible for.

/services/{serviceId} - info for a single connected service

Clicking the View button on a valid service will navigate to a full display of information about that service. From this page, it is also possible to see the GA4GH data models that can be browsed and edited for that service. A service's {serviceId} is based on the value of id returned from /service-info.

Service Details Figure 2: Example /services/{serviceId} page displaying information about a single service that the UI connects to. The left panel displays the service's Service Info, and the right panel leads to additional pages for editing instances of GA4GH models specific to the service type. In the example the UI is displaying info from a DRS service, which has only one editable model, DRS Object

See the links below for more information about the UI modules for the GA4GH Starter Kit APIs: