Using Starter Kit Utils
Current Starter Kit Utils Release/Tag 0.1.0
GA4GH Starter Kit Utils provides a commandline interface to set up resources (such as databases) that are associated with the core Starter Kit APIs, and are necessary for them to function.
Use DockerHub to pull the latest Starter Kit Utils Docker image:
docker image pull ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0
Use docker run
to run the utils app. For example:
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0
will run the utils app but display an error message, because no specific command was provided.
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 -h
will display the default help message, including information about was commands are available.
Perform a variety of database setup operations to make a SQLite or PostgreSQL database suitable for storing GA4GH models.
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database -h
displays the available subcommands under database
database list-apis
Lists the GA4GH APIs for which it is possible to apply a database migration
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database list-apis
database list-migrations
View all available database migrations for a given GA4GH API
Argument | Description | Example |
API_SIGNATURE | GA4GH API name (use 'list-apis' to view full list) | drs |
Template and Example
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database list-migrations ${API_SIGNATURE}
docker run ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database list-migrations drs
database create-tables
Create required tables for a GA4GH API at target database
Argument | Description | Example |
SOURCE | Table SQL source to apply. Can be a either a valid API migration signature (e.g. drs@1.0.0), URL (e.g., or file path (e.g. ./drs-tables.sql). Use 'list-migrations' to view available migrations | drs@1.0.0 |
Option | Description | Example | Required? |
-d / --db-url | Valid jdbc:// database connection URL | jdbc:sqlite:./ | true |
-u / --username | Username that can modify the target database | someuser123 | false |
-p / --password | Password for the above username | aSecurePassword | false |
docker run -v `pwd`:/db ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database create-tables -d jdbc:sqlite:/db/ga4gh-demo.db drs@0.1.9
Note: for SQLite-based databases on host machine, you may need to mount the target directory into the docker container with -v
database add-test-dataset
Populate database tables with test dataset for a particular GA4GH API
Argument | Description | Example |
SOURCE | Table SQL source to apply. Can be a either a valid API migration signature (e.g. drs@1.0.0), URL (e.g., or file path (e.g. ./drs-tables.sql). Use 'list-migrations' to view available migrations | drs@1.0.0 |
Option | Description | Example | Required? |
-d / --db-url | Valid jdbc:// database connection URL | jdbc:sqlite:./ | true |
-u / --username | Username that can modify the target database | someuser123 | false |
-p / --password | Password for the above username | aSecurePassword | false |
docker run -v `pwd`:/db ga4gh/ga4gh-starter-kit-utils:0.1.0 database add-test-dataset -d jdbc:sqlite:/db/ga4gh-demo.db drs@0.1.9
Note: for SQLite-based databases on host machine, you may need to mount the target directory into the docker container with -v