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Run samtools view on WES with DRS URLs as input

In the previous section, we used direct https:// URLs as input BAM files to the samtools view workflow. This is sufficient for multiple use cases, however, we may want to provide an indirect means of referencing workflow inputs, allowing the WES service to resolve the best paths to those inputs based on a number of criteria.

The Data Repository Service (DRS) provides an indirection layer to data. Each DRS Object served by DRS contains some metadata about a set of bytes (e.g. an input file). DRS Objects also provide one or more access methods to the raw file bytes. This allows multiple, identical copies of data to be stored on different cloud storage resources (e.g. AWS S3, Google Storage), and in different geographical regions. A resolving service (in this case, WES) can choose where to retrieve the raw data from based on its own capabilities. Different resolving (WES) services have the opportunity to choose the best "mirror" to access the data from. This could be based on regional proximity or supported cloud infrastructure.

Let's run an API call to our DRS Service, requesting the DRS Object with an id of 0f8abce3-e161-4bdf-981f-86257d505d69:

GET http://localhost:4502/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/0f8abce3-e161-4bdf-981f-86257d505d69

The response from this API call is a DRS Object in JSON format, which contains standardized attributes like id, name, description, etc. In particular is the access_methods attribute, e.g.:

"access_methods": [
"access_id": "b16b6733-5bf7-47c4-b029-a59b564cac23",
"type": "https"
"access_url": {
"url": "s3://ga4gh-demo-data/phenopackets/Cao-2018-TGFBR2-Patient_4.json"
"type": "s3",
"region": "us-east-2"

The returned DRS Object has 2 access methods:

  1. An access_id that we can pass back to the server to get a properly formatted URL to the data.
  2. An s3:// formatted URL to the data.

If we focus on (2), we see that the raw data for this DRS Object is stored in an AWS S3 bucket. Any WES service that understands s3:// URLs could resolve this to a direct HTTP(s) URL as a staging step prior to running the workflow.

The Starter Kit WES service is capable of resolving s3:// URLs. If we set up the tabula muris BAM files as DRS Objects, we can submit DRS IDs to WES as part of the workflow run request, and allow WES to resolve these to direct URLs.

Create DRS Objects via the UI

Let's create DRS Objects for some of the tabula muris BAM files. On a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:4504 (where our UI is deployed), then click the following UI buttons to get to the "Create New DRS Object" form:

Enter -> Services -> View -> DRS Objects -> New DRS Object

You may also find the following video helpful to navigate to the form:

Create the object

On the form, we will create one DRS Object representing a single Tabula Muris BAM file stored on the public AWS S3 bucket (at Let's enter the following information into the web UI fields:

Field NameField Value
nameTabula Muris FACS A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1 BAM file
descriptionFACS BAM file from Tabula Muris dataset id A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1
created time(no update; leave as default)
updated time(no update; leave as default)
bundle or blob?blob
checksums [0]type: md5, checksum: eadcf4e4a9f0b3508c186a3d59002d61
checksums [1]type: sha1, checksum: a453b1d4efefa76a3f4f948cefc6853d1b5aa9b4
checksums [2]type: sha256, checksum: 66eac14b2563e594030491caedc99160725a7d0d614f9db5ee888dd351e02430
aws s3 access points [0]region: us-east-1, bucket: czbiohub-tabula-muris, key: /facs_bam_files/A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1.mus.Aligned.out.sorted.bam

Once all information has been entered, click "Submit" to create the object.

The following video shows the creation of the DRS Object, followed by validation that the object was created:

Validate and inspect object

Once we've submitted the new DRS Object, we can confirm that it is accessible from the DRS service via HTTP request:

GET http://localhost:4502/ga4gh/drs/v1/objects/tabulamuris.A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1

should return the following response (created_time and updated_time will be different):

"id": "tabulamuris.A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1",
"description": "FACS BAM file from Tabula Muris dataset id A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1",
"created_time": "2021-09-03T14:46:00Z",
"name": "Tabula Muris FACS A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1 BAM file",
"size": 29298050,
"updated_time": "2021-09-03T14:46:00Z",
"version": "1.0.0",
"checksums": [
"checksum": "a453b1d4efefa76a3f4f948cefc6853d1b5aa9b4",
"type": "sha1"
"checksum": "66eac14b2563e594030491caedc99160725a7d0d614f9db5ee888dd351e02430",
"type": "sha256"
"checksum": "eadcf4e4a9f0b3508c186a3d59002d61",
"type": "md5"
"self_uri": "drs://",
"access_methods": [
"access_url": {
"url": "s3://czbiohub-tabula-muris/facs_bam_files/A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1.mus.Aligned.out.sorted.bam"
"type": "s3",
"region": "us-east-1"

Let's inspect both the self_uri and access_methods attributes further, as they are most important for running the workflow on WES using DRS IDs as input:


The value of self_uri is drs:// The drs:// scheme indicates that this is a standardized DRS URI, in which both the server ( and the object id (tabulamuris.A1-B000126-3_39_F-1-1_R1) are indicated. Any service that understands DRS URIs will be able to resolve this to an HTTP URL to obtain the corresponding DRS Object. The Starter Kit WES service can resolve DRS URIs.


access_methods contains a single method pointing to the AWS S3 bucket and key to the BAM file. Again, the Starter Kit WES service can resolve s3:// based URLs to http(s) URLs to make them suitable as input to the workflow.

WES workflow run request

Submit workflow run

We are ready to rerun our workflow. Now, instead of submitting the input HTTPS URL directly, we will submit the DRS URL as an input parameter to WES, and allow WES to resolve it.

Issue the following HTTP request:

Method and URL

POST http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/runs


Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Form data (body)

workflow_type: NEXTFLOW
workflow_type_version: 21.04.0
workflow_params: {"input": "drs://"}

Note that compared to the POST request from the previous section, only the workflow_params have changed.

Monitor workflow run

If we give the workflow run a minute to complete, we can again monitor its status by passing the run_id (in this case, 940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f) to the GET /runs/{run_id} endpoint:

GET http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/runs/940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f


"run_id": "940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f",
"request": {
"workflow_params": {
"input": "drs://"
"workflow_type": "NEXTFLOW",
"workflow_type_version": "21.04.0",
"workflow_url": ""
"state": "COMPLETE",
"run_log": {
"name": "jb-adams/samtools-view-count-nf",
"cmd": [
"#!/bin/bash -ue",
"echo \"Running samtools view on\" >&2",
"samtools view -c"
"start_time": "2021-09-02T19:15:33Z",
"end_time": "2021-09-02T19:15:43Z",
"stdout": "http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/logs/nextflow/stdout/940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f?workdirs=0a%2F0838ad17d4486bace1dc908e9e44ca",
"stderr": "http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/logs/nextflow/stderr/940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f?workdirs=0a%2F0838ad17d4486bace1dc908e9e44ca",
"exit_code": 0
"task_logs": [
"name": "samtools_view",
"cmd": [
"#!/bin/bash -ue",
"echo \"Running samtools view on\" >&2",
"samtools view -c"
"start_time": "2021-09-02T19:15:33Z",
"end_time": "2021-09-02T19:15:43Z",
"stdout": "http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/logs/nextflow/stdout/940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f/0a/0838ad17d4486bace1dc908e9e44ca",
"stderr": "http://localhost/ga4gh/wes/v1/logs/nextflow/stderr/940f0c51-2dab-4e02-ab3a-92dfaf68d65f/0a/0838ad17d4486bace1dc908e9e44ca",
"exit_code": 0
"outputs": {}

Just as before, the response payload tells us that the workflow run completed successfully. If we follow the URL at run_log.stdout, we again see the expected read count of 848036 printed to stdout.

But there's a key difference between this run and the run launched in the previous section. Let's look at original request parameters we submitted to WES, indicated by request.workflow_params:

"request": {
"workflow_params": {
"input": "drs://"

Here, we see the DRS URL (representing our DRS Object) we submitted. However, when we look at the raw workflow commands under run_log.cmd, we see:

samtools view -c

How did WES know to run the workflow using that BAM file URL? Simply put, the WES service performed 2 URL resolutions prior to running the workflow on the drs:// URL. First, to lookup the contents of the DRS Object, and second, to resolve the S3 access method it found into the final HTTPS URL.

While we only explored the resolution of s3:// URLs, the DRS specification supports many URL schemes (e.g. file://, https://, gs://), giving data providers flexibility over the access methods they can support, and giving WES implementations choice over which access method(s) to make use of.


In this cookbook, we explored how to use WES and DRS to launch a simple workflow using only HTTP requests. First, by submitting direct URLs as input parameters, and second, by submitting DRS URLs and allowing WES to resolve the DRS Object to a raw URL for fetching bytes.

If you wish to explore the concepts covered in this cookbook further, you could:

  1. Create more DRS Objects based on the table of Tabula Muris S3 BAM objects. Register one DRS Object per BAM file via the UI, and attempt to run the workflow using the resulting DRS URL as input. Validate the workflow run outputs the correct number of reads.
  2. Attempt to run your own Nextflow workflow via WES. Currently, Nextflow workflows tracked on Github can be submitted to Starter Kit WES with one of the following URL structures:
    •{user/org}/{repository} - runs the workflow at the default branch (e.g. main)
    •{user/org}/{repository}/tree/{branch} runs the workflow at the specified branch

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